© Goldenlight 2024 Email: taniawaller@outlook.com

Tania Waller Complementary Therapist
07760 252494

Dip IIR(UK) MCThA Dip ITEC A&P Cert ITEC IHM MATATh Founder Member ING C&G 7307 EMBODY Registered & Approved Reiki Master/Teacher Metamorphic Technique Practitioner

The ancient art of specific techniques applied to the foot and lower leg using the fingers and thumbs, where all areas of the body can be accessed through working corresponding nerve reflexes on the feet.
Precision Reflexology, Vertical Reflex Therapy, Hand Reflexology.
Enhanced with Reiki healing energy at Master level.
Trained with the International Institute of Reflexologists (UK).

1st Booking: Consultation/Medical History and Treatment
£64.00 - (allow 1 hr 30 m)
2nd Booking and thereafter: Treatment only
£44.00 - (allow 1 hr)
Client can be treated lying on the therapy couch or seated on a chair whilst therapist places hands on or off the body which encourages the body to de-stress and work more efficiently.
This may help with personal, emotional and physical issues.
Some people find this treatment relaxing, others energising, and it may enhance creativity. Reiki treatments are as individual as you are.
At Master level with Rainbow Reiki. EMBODY Registered and Approved Reiki Master/Teacher. Courses available see link above.
1st Booking: Consultation/Medical History and Treatment
£64.00 - (allow 1 hr 30 m)
2nd Booking and thereafter: Treatment only
£44.00 - (allow 1 hr)

An exciting new therapy developed from Reflexology. A minimal treament to the foot and lower leg which aims to allow the body's own healing response to work efficiently. May be particularly beneficial for joint problems and anxious states as well as other conditions.
Enhanced with Reiki healing energy at Master level.

Founder Member/Teacher/Practitioner of the International Neuroflexology Guild
For more details of 2 part training courses for qualified therapists go to www.neuroflexology.co.uk

1st Booking: Consultation/Medical History and Treatment
£64.00 - (allow 1 hr 30 m)
2nd Booking and thereafter: Treatment only
£44.00 - (allow 1 hr)
Crystal Therapy
A relaxing treatment allowing the energy of the crystal to help balance chakras. May improve creativity and energy levels.
Crystal pyramid meditation also available.
Enhanced with Reiki healing energy at
Master level.
Courses available, see link above.

1st Booking: Consultation/Medical History and Treatment
£64.00 - (allow 1 hr 30 m)
2nd Booking and thereafter: Treatment only
£44.00 - (allow 1 hr)

Thermo-Auricular Therapy Ear Candling
A full treatment for your ears that may have a beneficial effect from the diaphragm upwards. Many users of Ear Candles report that use may help with the following problems: excessive wax in the ears, discomfort in the ears and sinuses, poor or 'muffled' hearing, ringing in the ear, discomfort related to sinus problems and allergic responses, glue ear, colds, flu, headache and migraine.
1st Booking: Consultation/Medical History and Treatment
£67.00 - (allow 1 hr 30 m)
2nd Booking and thereafter: Treatment only
£47.00 - (allow 1 hr)

Indian Head Massage
Massage of the back, neck, shoulders, head, face and ears with time devoted to stilling and calming at the end of the treatment. Relaxing yet refreshing - ideal for a quick revitaliser.
Enhanced with Reiki healing energy at
Master level.
Cert. ITEC Indian Head Massage.
Courses available, see link above.

1st Booking: Consultation/Medical History & Treatment
£44.00 - (allow 1 hr)
2nd Booking & thereafter: Treatment only
£34.00 - (allow 45m)
Advanced Practitioner Member of the Thermo-Auricular Association.

Payment for all treatments is by DEBIT/CREDIT CARD though CASH payments can be accepted if that is your only option.
Treatments, except Metamorphic Technique, may be supported by Crystal Herb Remedies (similar to Bach Flower Remedies)